


  • 相关推荐
prep. 穿过;横穿,横过;与…交叉;在…对面
adv. 横过,越过;在对面;交叉;斜对面



  1. 无论用作介词还是用作副词,均可表示动态意义或静态意义:

  (1) 表示动态意义,意为“横过”“到…的另一边”。如:

  Can you swim across? 你能游过去吗? (副词用法)

  I cam swim across the river in 10 minutes. 我可以在10分钟之内游过河去。(介词用法)

  (2) 表示静态意义,意为“在…的另一边”。如:

  My house is just across the street. 我家就在街道对面。(介词用法)

  We leave Dover at ten and we should be across in France by midnight. 我们10点钟离开多佛,午夜时应能抵达法国那边。(副词用法)

  2. across from与from across都可以说,但含义稍有区别:

  (1) across from 表静态意义,意为“在对面”,与opposite同义,此时也可省略from只说across。如:

  Just across from our house there’s a school. 就在我们房子的对面有一所学校。

  I’m staying at a little hotel just across from the Libyan Embassy. 我住在利比亚大使馆正对面的一所小旅馆里。

  (2) from across 则表动态意义,意为“从……的对面”。如:

  He shouted to me from across the room. 他从房间的另一边向我喊。

  They waved at us from across the room. 他们从房间那一头向我们招手。

  3. 注意不要与动词cross弄混:

  (1) 表示“穿过”时的用法比较:

  It’s dangerous for an old man to cross such a crowded street. 老人穿过这样拥挤的街道很危险。

  It’s dangerous for an old man to walk across such a crowded street. 老人穿过这样拥挤的街道很危险。

  (2) 表示“交叉”时的用法比较:

  The roads cross just outside the village. 那两条路就在村外交叉。

  He sat there with his arms across his chest. 他坐在那儿,两臂交叉放在胸前。(介词用法)

  4. 用于习语come across,主要用法有:

  (1) 偶然遇见,碰见(=run across)

  Where did you come [run] across her? 你在那儿碰到她的?

  I’ve just come across a beautiful poem in this book. 我在这本书里偶然发现一首优美的诗。

  (2) 被理解,被传达(=come over)

  He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across. 他讲了很长时间,但他的意思没有人真正理解。

  (3) 使人产生某种印象(=come over)

  Your speech came across very well. 你的演说相当受欢迎。

  He came across as sympathetic / a sympathetic person. 他给人以有同情心的印象。


  Come across to my office this afternoon. 你今天下午到我办公室来一趟。