


  • 相关推荐
look at 看;
look for 寻找;
look up 查阅;
look out 向外看;
look over 仔细检查;
look after 照顾,照料;
look like 看起来像;
look through 浏览;
put up 举起,挂起,搭建;
put on 穿上,戴上,上演;
put away 把—放好


  look forward to 期盼,期待


  look ahead 向前看

  look into 向—里看

  look around 环顾四周

  put off 推迟,推延

  put down 把—放下,记下

  put out 扑灭,伸出

  put into 把放进,把译成

  put one's heart into 全神贯注于

  get up 起床

  get off 下车

  get on 上车,相处,进展

  get over 克服,恢复,原谅

  get back 回来,返回

  get through 接通电话

  get along 进展,相处

  get into 陷入

  get out 出去,离开

  get together 相聚

  get ready for 为做准备

  get married 结婚

  get in the way 碍事,挡道

  get to 到达

  give up 放弃

  give out 分发

  give away 赠送,分发

  give back 归还

  think of 想起,认为

  think up 想出,提出

  think about 考虑

  think over 仔细考虑

  take up 占据(时间,空间

  take after 与(父母等)相像

  take place 发生

  take care 小心,当心

  take off 脱下,起飞